How Do You Know Green Doors?
Green Doors Videos > How Do You Know Green Doors?
Our loved ones know us like no one else does.
They grab coffee with us, “like” our causes on Facebook, and support us when we need them most. They KNOW us – the good, the bad, the ugly.
Some of you know Green Doors through friends who work here, hearing about us in community meetings or events, or by volunteering or giving to Green Doors. We appreciate your engagement with us – in all these ways.
We want you to know us better and to get to know you better. A first step in that effort is to share with you how others know Green Doors – starting with Jason, a longtime friend and supporter of Green Doors.
Green Doors
Green Doors transforms lives and neighborhoods for people in need in Central Texas. From our award-winning neighborhood revitalization projects to our flagship scattered-site transitional housing model, Green Doors' Opportunity-Based Housing Programs not only create affordable housing for low-income communities; they simultaneously create access to socio-economic opportunities – such as quality education, nutrition, transportation, and employment -- that might otherwise be out of reach. Green Doors owns 28 properties in Travis County and manages 50 housing rental assistance vouchers for low-income households in Travis, Williamson and Burnet Counties, housing nearly 400 people annually throughout Central Texas. The broad demographics of our residents reflect what it looks like to be at-risk of homelessness today: veterans, single-parent families, people with disabilities, and the working poor.